Cats of MTRA

Every barn needs a cat! Or two. Or three. Or maybe four.



Bonnie and her brother, Clyde, were 2017 rescues as kittens and upon reaching acceptable working age, they joined the exterminator team at MTRA. Barn cat sweetheart of the farm, Bonnie is also a part-time assistant instructor, overseeing classes. She is a therapy cat in her own right—greeting everyone who comes out to the farm with kindness. She is an expert escapee when it comes time to go to her room for the evening, so you must be prepared when leaving for the night!



Born in 2019, Tiger showed up to the farm a year ago pretending to be wild and untamed, but when presented with food, he immediately accepted and welcomed the vittles and TLC in full force. He had a flea collar and appeared well loved, but despite cross posting and checking with neighbors, he became a full-time resident here. His hobbies include hunting and tormenting Clyde during his downtime. He is very friendly and also does a great job of welcoming people to the farm.



Rescued in 2017 with his sister, Bonnie, Clyde is the sassy cat of the farm, also an avid exterminator and rodent extractor when needed, and he is an excellent safety during sessions. He will greet you, but you may also get a tap or a smug walk off from him depending on the day. He is ALL cat!



Marigold was placed with MTRA as a permanent foster by the Humane Society of Marion County, FL, as she has some medical and health needs that have been difficult for her previous adoptive families to manage. She is enjoying the farm life and greets all who stop by. She enjoys sitting on your shoulders while working at the desk and observing classes from the parent area, getting all the loving she can get! She is a 2020 model.